Vinyl Vs Wood Windows For San Antonio Homes

Vinyl Vs Wood Windows For San Antonio Homes

Vinyl Vs Wood Windows: 4 Reasons to Choose Vinyl Windows in San Antonio, TX

Many people may be reluctant to choose vinyl over wood windows for many reasons. Aesthetic, quality, and durability being some of them. But that’s because they don’t fully understand the qualities of both. Let’s put the vinyl vs wood windows debate to rest with these 4 reasons to choose vinyl in San Antonio, TX.

vinyl vs wood windows

Comparing vinyl vs wood windows?

Did you know that on average, prices vary drastically between San Antonio window replacement companies? To better understand this, you’ll need to compare competitors quotes, and if you’re like most people, you’ll discover that some charge way more for the same quality windows. Whichever way you cut it, it’s an expensive decision for a homeowner.

It’s also one you don’t want to get wrong.

If you’re installing wood or vinyl windows in San Antonio, read this article. If you’re considering replacing wood windows with vinyl read this article. If you’re wondering whether vinyl windows costs outweigh vinyl windows benefits, read this article.

What are Vinyl Windows?

The vinyl refers to the frames surrounding the window. There are two. The first frame borders the perimeter of the glass. The second makes up the surrounding frame and operable parts.

The three most common types of window frames are wood, aluminum, and vinyl. Each refers to the type of material used to frame the glass. The following four factors elevate a vinyl window above its competitors.


Aluminum windows are pricey. Wooden windows, especially high-quality woods like redwood or mahogany, are even more expensive. Add to that the cost of frequent maintenance, like staining, and most homeowners are already over budget.

Vinyl windows, on the other hand, don’t require any maintenance. They won’t rust, warp, or crack. Even the initial investment is smaller when you compare it to the alternatives. It makes the best financial sense.


Wood windows need a ton of maintenance. They scratch, dent, mold, and warp. They need a fresh coat of sealant every other year, and you always have to worry about termites.

Aluminum windows require less maintenance. They still dent, scratch, and may need a new paint job.

Vinyl, on the other hand, resist each of the above problems. Exterior frames made from vinyl won’t rot or warp, even when exposed to the elements or harsh UV light. They also come with a natural white finish.

That means you never have to repaint.

Energy Efficiency

Vinyl windows consist of polyvinyl chloride. It’s a plastic also known by its acronym, PVC.

Each material has its own “R-value.” This is a numerical value which represents the material’s ability to act as an insulator. Vinyl’s R-value is much higher than that of aluminum or wood.

That means it’ll do a better job keeping your summer cool in the summer and warm in the winter. If you combine the natural properties of PVC with double pane glass, you multiply the insulation properties. If you then add an inert glass, such as those found in Simonton Windows, the properties increase exponentially.


At some point, your windows will need replacing. Natural disasters occur. Neighbors with rocks happen. Moving mistakes transpire.

Whatever the cause, sooner or later you’ll need to swap those windows out for new ones. Wooden windows vary as much in shape as they do in color and texture. They’re challenging if not impossible to substitute out.

Aluminum windows are better. But it’s still challenging to find a distributor that offers windows which look like the same ones installed in your house over a decade ago.

Once you find a vinyl window model you like, you’ll notice that it looks identical to others. Find a different manufacturer and look at their windows? Do you see one which looks the same as the one you like?

Of course, you do. That’s why they’re so easy to replace.

Vinyl vs Wood Windows: the Outcome?

Well, did you make a decision? The choice is easy for most people, based on durability and affordability alone. What will you choose in the vinyl vs wood windows debate?

If you enjoyed this article, check out our other great articles on all things window, siding, patio covers, and sunrooms. Do it now while it’s still fresh in your mind.


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