How New Energy Efficient Windows Can Save You Money | San Antonio, TX

How New Energy Efficient Windows Can Save You Money | San Antonio, TX

Window replacement is one of the most effective ways to improve the energy efficiency of your San Antonio, TX home and save money on your energy bills. And with energy prices on the rise, now is an excellent time to consider replacing your windows. Learn more about how new energy-efficient windows can save you money and make your home more eco-friendly.

How Much Can You Save with Window Replacements?

Always choose Energy Star certified products. These provide the most savings, on average 12 percent nationwide each year. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, energy star-certified single-pane windows can save between $100 and $575 per year as well as reduce your home’s CO2 emissions between 1,000 and 6,200 pounds over the same time.

Replacing double-pane windows can save you between $30 and $195 per year on average and lower your CO2 emissions by 245 to 2,001 pounds annually.

Saving Money With Replacement Windows

Window replacement is one of the most effective ways to improve your home’s energy efficiency. Replacing just a few drafty windows can reduce your energy bills significantly. And with energy prices on the rise, that can add up to significant savings over the next decade.

Advantages of Energy Efficient Windows

Besides the money you’ll save on your energy bills, there are other advantages to installing energy efficient windows in your San Antonio, TX, home.

Energy Star Certified Windows Are Eco-Friendly

One of the great things about Energy Star certified windows is that they help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save energy. That’s because they are made with materials that help keep your home cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. And by making your home more energy efficient, you’re doing your part to help the environment.

Reduce Noise Pollution with Replacement Windows

If the sound of traffic or people walking by your home has ever disturbed, you’ll appreciate the noise-reducing benefits of energy efficient windows. That’s because they are made with special glass and insulation that helps keep sound out and noise in. So you can finally get some peace and quiet in your home.

Increase Property Value with Replacement Windows

Replacement windows can also add value to your home. They may be the best home improvement investment you ever make. That’s because energy-efficient windows not only save you money on your energy bills but can also increase the value of your home.

Improve Your Home’s Comfort with Replacement Windows

Replacement windows can also improve the comfort of your home. They help keep out drafts and noise, and they make your home more airtight. That means you’ll be able to keep the temperature in your home exactly where you want it, without wasting energy on heating or cooling the outdoors.

Get Replacement Windows That Match Your Home

One of the best things about replacement windows is that you can choose from various styles and colors to match the look of your home. So you can choose windows that will enhance the appearance of your home while also making it more energy efficient.

How to Get the Most Savings From Your Replacement Windows

When you’re shopping for replacement windows, be sure to look for the Energy Star label. That means the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has certified the window as meeting the highest energy efficiency standards.

To get the most savings from your replacement windows, be sure to install them properly. That means using the correct type of window for your climate and ensuring they’re properly sealed. You can’t do this yourself and should work with a company specializing in energy-efficient window replacement. Only have a professional complete the installation for you.

How to Choose the Right Energy Efficient Windows for Your Home

When shopping for replacement windows, it’s essential to choose the right window type for your home. Not all windows are created equal. Some are more energy efficient than others. And some are better at keeping out noise or heat.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when you’re choosing energy efficient windows:

  • Climate: It gets scorchingly hot in San Antonio, TX, in the summer, so you’ll need windows that keep out the heat. Look for windows with a high R-value. The higher the R-value, the better the window is at insulation.


  • Noise: If noise pollution is a problem in your home, look for windows with a high STC rating. The higher the STC rating, the better the window is at blocking sound.


  • Appearance: Do you want windows that match the style of your home, or do you want something different? You can choose from a variety of styles and colors to match the look of your home.

How Long Do Energy Efficient Windows Last?

The lifespan of a replacement window varies depending on the type of window you choose and how well it’s installed. But most windows last between 10 and 20 years. You can increase the longevity of your new energy efficient windows with proper care and maintenance.

Tips for Maintaining Your New Energy Efficient Windows

To get the most out of your new replacement windows, be sure to follow these tips for maintaining them:

  • Clean Them Regularly: Keep your windows clean using a soft cloth and warm water. Be sure to clean the seals around the window as well.


  • Check for Damage: Inspect your windows for damage regularly and repair any damage as soon as possible. Damaged windows can let in air and water, which can decrease the energy efficiency of your windows.


  • Replace Hardware: When hardware starts to wear out, replace it. Old hardware can cause the window to malfunction.

If you’re looking for ways to save money on your energy bills, installing new energy-efficient windows may be the solution. New windows can help keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter while also reducing the amount of energy you use to heat and cool your home. And, thanks to new energy-efficient technologies, you can now find replacement windows that are even more energy efficient than ever before.

To learn more about energy efficient windows in San Antonio, contact First Place Windows.

Photo By Antoha713 at Shutterstock